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English WikiChiro:Today's featured article/August 27, 2011

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Robt. Press

Lombard, IL - 18th August, 2011 - WikiChiro Foundation's Executive Technical Officer, became Dr. Robert M. Press, BS, BS, DC (Cum Laude) when his collar was turned by the Dean of National College of Chiropractic today. Congratulations Dr. Rob!
In the same NEWS: WikiChiro's Chairman, Dr. Stephen Press was in Lombard for the event. During commencement, Dean Driscoll recognized the "Past President of the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic, Dr. Stephen Press is here to witness his son's graduation" and Dr. Press was asked to stand. Later in an email to Dr. Press, Dr. James Winterstein, President of the College, told him that they had "only done this once before; for the Secretary of State of Ilinois!".

Dr. Press, WikiChiro Board Chairman
Dr. PRESS speaks at ACA Sports Council Symposium in Puerto Rico

San Juan, PR - 1st August 2011- Wikichiro Chairman, Dr. Stephen Press, spoke at the "ACA Sports Council Symposium" Conference at the Caribe Hilton Saturday. Dr. Press was invited by ACA Sports Council President , Dr. Gulliermo Bermudez, to present WikiChiro Foundation's program, mission and progress to the nearly 150 attendees. WikiChiro's mission is to bring an unbiased and integrated set of encyclopedia articles to the World which includes the field of Sports Chiropractic, and can provide articles which promote outcomes based information. Perfect together!

Dr. Hawk
Dr. HAWK Joins SAB

Chesterfield, MO - 11th, June, 2011- In an interview with Dr. Press at Logan College of Chiropractic, Cheryl Hawk, DC, PhD, Professor and Director of Research at Logan College of Chiropractic agreed to serve on the Scientific Advisory Board,