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Chiropractic Library Collaboration

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Members of the Chiropractic Library Collaboration (CLC) are health sciences librarians from chiropractic colleges throughout the world. CLC is a subgroup of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges.

CLC creates two main products, the Index to Chiropractic Literature (ICL) and ChiroSH (Chiropractic Subject Headings), a thesaurus developed by librarians for indexing books and periodical literature.

The following libraries are members of the Chiropractic Library Collaboration (CLC); listed by country.

  • Australia
RMIT University
  • Canada
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
  • England
Anglo-European College of Chiropractic
  • New Zealand
New Zealand College of Chiropractic
  • United States
Cleveland Chiropractic College (Kansas)
Life University
Life Chiropractic College – West
Logan College of Chiropractic
National University of Health Sciences
New York Chiropractic College
Northwestern Health Sciences University
Palmer College of Chiropractic
Palmer College of Chiropractic (Florida)
Palmer College of Chiropractic (California)
Parker College of Chiropractic
Sherman College of Chiropractic
Southern California University of Health Sciences ; Los Angeles College of Chiropractic
Texas Chiropractic College
University of Bridgeport (College of Chiropractic)
University of Western States
  • Wales
University of Glamorgan