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Research Agenda Conference

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ACC-RAC is the combination of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) meeting[1] and scientific/educational conference, which emphasizes educational structure, administration, teaching, and peer reviewed presentations, and the Research Agenda Conference (RAC), which focuses on the development of scientific knowledge, skills, and attitudes through workshop sessions. The combination of the two programs continues to enhance and nurture the natural relationship between chiropractic scholarship and education.

Through various styles of presentation, including plenary sessions, platform presentations, workshops, and poster sessions, the ACC-RAC conferences[1] focus on clinical, basic science, educational research, and the topic of Integration.

This is one of the highest quality and most productive annual scientific and educational conferences in the chiropractic profession. Traditionally the conferences take place in the second week of March and conferences submission are welcomed by August 31st or the prior year.

Research Agenda Conference

The Research Agenda Conference (RAC)[1] began in 1996 and was funded by US Department of Health and Human Services for about 10 years. Its original purpose was to convene a meeting that would develop a research agenda for the chiropractic profession and to increase its research capacity.2 Several outcomes of these efforts have been published in this journal, including white papers on key topics.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][9][10][11] The RAC component of the conference presently focuses on development of the research capacity of chiropractic science through plenary sessions and workshops. Plenary sessions typically address important topics pertaining to the science of chiropractic and bring thought leaders together to discuss these issues. The workshops focus on the development of skills associated with or derived from chiropractic science and scholarship, with topics such as how to write an article or how to incorporate the use of published research in clinical practice. These workshops provide development opportunities for researchers, academics, and practitioners of all levels of experience. The presenters for the RAC sessions are invited by the planning committee and are selected based upon their areas of expertise and how they might contribute to the theme of the year's conference or the specific workshop topic.

ACC-RAC Research Presentations

Once the committee reaches decisions regarding suitability for presentation, abstracts of articles that are presented as either platform or poster presentations at the conference are published in the Journal of Chiropractic Education ( In addition to selecting articles for presentation, a subgroup of this committee selects the award winning articles from those authors who consented to be included in the awards competition. Basic science and clinical award winning articles are submitted to the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) and educational research award articles are submitted to the Journal of Chiropractic Education. These articles go through an additional peer-review process before being accepted and published.

The scientific, peer-reviewed presentations cover a wide variety of topics. Most of these presentations fall within 4 categories: basic sciences, clinical practice research, educational research, and the theme for that year's conference (eg, public health, funding opportunities, diversity, and technology). Parallel tracks of scientific research presentations are placed throughout the schedule so that clinical, educational, and basic science researchers will find sessions that best match their interests. In addition, for those in clinical practice, case presentations of unusual conditions or unique treatment methods for common conditions are typically presented. As with any scientific conference, an open but critical attitude is appropriate in this venue.[12]

Who Attends the ACC-RAC Conferences?

Attendees include a wide variety of people from all over the world, thus, one need not be a researcher or an educator to attend. The ACC-RAC is a conference for educators, researchers, clinicians, administrators, health policy makers, students, and anyone else interested in chiropractic. It provides a forum for researchers to present and discuss their work. It is a meeting at which groups collaborate and plan for the future of the chiropractic profession. As well, it provides skills development training sessions and presentations of scientific research articles and thus continues to help strengthen the foundation of chiropractic research, education, and practice. The ACC-RAC also offers continuing education credits for most states in the United States and includes continuing education for diplomates for participating organizations such as the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians. Thus, in addition to all the new knowledge and skills that one will gain, credit may be earned as well. For more information about the next ACC-RAC conference, please visit ACC-RAC Research Conferences.

A Valuable Conference to Attend

This conference is for chiropractors, students, and allied healthcare practitioners whether involved in clinical practice, academics, or research. Everyone is welcomed and the experience is a dynamic cavalcade of colleagues seeking to build a critical chiropractic evidence base to help patients and humanity.

Make plans to attend this conference now!


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Johnson, C (2007). "What is the Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational Conference and Research Agenda Conference?". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 30: 249-250. 
  2. Hawk, C; Meeker W, Hansen D (1997). "The National Workshop to Develop the Chiropractic Research Agenda". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 20: 147-9. 
  3. Adams, AH; Gatterman M (1997). "The state of the art of research on chiropractic education". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 20: 179–184. 
  4. Brennan, PC; Cramer GD, Kirstukas SJ, Cullum ME (1997). "Basic science research in chiropractic: the state of the art and recommendations for a research agenda". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 20: 150–168. 
  5. Mootz, RD; Coulter ID, Hansen DT (1997). "Health services research related to chiropractic: review and recommendations for research prioritization by the chiropractic profession". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 20: 201–217. 
  6. Nyiendo, J; Haas M, Hondras MA (1997). "Outcomes research in chiropractic: the state of the art and recommendations for the chiropractic research agenda". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 20: 185–200. 
  7. Sawyer, C; Haas M, Nelson C, Elkington W (1997). "Clinical research within the chiropractic profession: status, needs and recommendations". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 20: 169–178. 
  8. Cramer, G; Budgell B, Henderson C, Khalsa P, Pickar J (2006). "Basic science research related to chiropractic spinal adjusting: the state of the art and recommendations revisited". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 29: 726–761. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 Haas, M; Bronfort G, Evans RL (2006). "Chiropractic clinical research: progress and recommendations". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 29: 695–706. 
  10. Mootz, RD; Hansen DT, Breen A, Killinger LZ, Nelson C (2006). "Health services research related to chiropractic: review and recommendations for research prioritization by the chiropractic profession". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 29: 707–725. 
  11. Mrozek, JP; Till H, Taylor-Vaisey AL, Wickes D (2006). "Research in chiropractic education: an update". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 29: 762–773. 
  12. Johnson, C (2008). "Keeping a critical eye on chiropractic". J Manipulative Physiol Ther 31: 559–561. 

External Links

  1. Research Agenda Conference (RAC)