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User talk:ChiroWikiSysop

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Technic versus Technique

HI Stephen,

I was expecting a response before this but regarding:

"Sacro-Occipital Research Society International (SORSI) maintains that "technic" is a current engineering term distinct from "technique." [Insert 21st Century US patent information link here.] The former references a body of techniques; the latter references a single methodology. Therefore, SORSI disagrees with WikiChiro's opinion that "technic" is an archaic term. See for further information, or Google "technic in engineering" and examine the roughly 6,280,000 hits derived thereby.

Noel 19:49, 14 April 2013 (MST)"

In the past couple years SORSI attempted to create a distinct identity apart from what SOTO-USA has accomplished and did this by embracing the word "Technic" instead of "Technique." Therefore they chose to call the method they teach sacro occipital technic (SOT) whereas SOTO-USA and the rest of the chiropractic community calls SOT "sacro occipital technique."

However this is completely beside the point and no matter how someone tries to spin the spelling of technique, technic is considered an archaic term for chiropractic techniques. This is based on extrapolating DeJarnette's actions as well as current chiropractic librarian terminology.

SOT no matter the spelling of the "T" is a body of various techniques from myofascial, biomechanical, and other various applications. It is not a single methodology any more than what DeJarnette termed Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT). Prior to calling his viscerosomatic/somatovisceral work CMRT in the mid-1960s DeJarnette called it The Technic of Bloodless Surgery. However these same methods utilizing the methodology were spelled "technique" by DeJarnette.

If anyone searches for SOT in the literature it comes up as sacro occipital technique and this is because as the librarian stated that there was a "... switch from “Technic” to “Technique” for named chiropractic technique headings. This change brings ChiroSH in line with MeSH [Medical Subject Headings], which abandoned the use of “Technic” for “Technique” in the 1990s. It also reflects current chiropractic terminology."

Academic Accreditation


Ihave been asked by CCEI to explore putting them on Wikipedia. However, you already have them under Wikichiro so I see no need to create another new site. However, I went into the Wikichiro page on academic accreditation to update some of the information and I see this note I need to contact you before I can take any action. I have now contacted you. What do I do now.

It was good to see you in Greeley.


Working on the descriptive page for Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Hi there! I'm Frederick Schurger, one of the board members of the Blair Society, advanced instructors, and UC Diplomate candidate. If you need more, let me know. I'd like to start working on the Blair page for you. If figure we get it done here, nice and pretty, and then copy it over to full wikipedia...if they'll have it!!

Thanks, Frederick Schurger, DC

Incorrect Information

The photo displayed on the page for Harold G McCoy is incorrect. This photo was taken from my website, I hold the copyright. Please remove this photo immediately. this note was placed here anonymously, by an account under the name "joyceatori" User:Joyceatori, alleging ownership of that copyright with no offer of proof. Thus request denied pending further communication. ChiroWikiSysop

Western chiro

Chiro in Western US checking out the wiki

Benjamin Jones DC Sacramento CA

Pdf handler



Hi there,

I'm not a chiropractor, but I work for a chiropractor named Dr. Ross Trivas. He founded the National Directory of Chiropractic. I do Internet Marketing (which includes an emphasis on SEO which I have been doing since 1996).

I want to help the cause of and will be adding some links to it. In fact, I'll be adding a link to it from the National Directory of Chiropractic's website at

I'm wondering if you'd mind listing the National Directory of Chiropractic on the "National Organizations" page found here:

I'd do it myself, but can't figure out how.

Please let me know of ways I can help since I, too, have run across bias against chiropractors on Google and Wikipedia. It's unethical.

Thank you and please email me when you've replied unless the system automatically emails me. Again, please let me know how I can help. If it's SEO and link building, then that's where I can probably help the most.
