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Corrugator supercilii muscle

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Template:Infobox Muscle The Corrugator supercilii is a small, narrow, pyramidal muscle, placed at the medial end of the eyebrow, beneath the Frontalis and just above Orbicularis oculi.

It arises from the medial end of the superciliary arch; and its fibers pass upward and lateralward, between the palpebral and orbital portions of the Orbicularis oculi, and are inserted into the deep surface of the skin, above the middle of the orbital arch.


The Corrugator draws the eyebrow downward and medialward, producing the vertical wrinkles of the forehead. It is the “frowning” muscle, and may be regarded as the principal muscle in the expression of suffering. It also contracts in order to prevent high sun glare, pulling the eyebrows toward the bridge of the nose, making a roof over the area above the middle corner of the eye and typical forehead furrows.[1]

The muscle is sometimes surgically severed or paralysed with botulinum toxin as a preventive treatment for some types of migraine or for aesthetic reasons.

Additional images


  1. "eye, human."Encyclopædia Britannica from Encyclopædia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD 2009

External links

This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.

Template:Muscle-stubla:Musculus corrugator supercilii

hu:Szemöldökközelítő izom pl:Mięsień marszczący brwi pt:Músculo corrugador do supercílio ru:Мышца, сморщивающая бровь sr:Мишић набирач обрве sh:Mišić nabirač obrve th:กล้ามเนื้อคอร์รูเกเตอร์ ซูเปอร์ซิลิไอ zh:皺眉肌