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WikiChiro Scientific Advisory Board
Many of the World's foremost Chiropractic Scientists have been invited to participate on this Board.
The following have accepted thus far (Alphabetically):
All these distinguished Scientists are warmly welcomed!
It is envisioned that the WikiChiro Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) will congregate here to vote on resolutions and discuss organization-related issues.
( Link to Board of Directors)
(Link to SAB Board Minutes)
Robert's Rules of Order Online
Currently there are eleven SAB Members who will meet quarterly to govern and guide the development of WikiChiro.
- 1 The Scientific Advisory Board
- 1.1 Dr. Medhat Alattar,M.B.,B.Ch., DC., M.S.,FICA., Professor, Palmer Chiropractic College - Florida campus - United States - Egypt
- 1.2 Dr. Lisa K. Bloom, DC, DACS, DIBCN, FIACN, Assoc. Professor, New York Chiropractic College, Diagnosis division. - United States
- 1.3 Prof. Dr. Christine Goertz, DC, PhD, Vice President of Research, Palmer University - United States
- 1.4 Dr. Heidi Haavik Taylor, DC, PhD, Director of Research, New Zealand College of Chiropractic - New Zealand
- 1.5 Dr. Cheryl Hawk, DC, PhD, FICC, CHES, Professor and Director of Research, Logan College of Chiropractic - United States
- 1.6 Dr. Anne Jensen, BSc, DC, ICSSD, PGCert., PGDip,MSc, MSc, MACC, DPhil candidate, University of Oxford - United Kingdom
- 1.7 Dr. Dana Lawrence, D.C., M.Med.Ed., M.A. | Senior Director | Center for Teaching and Learning | Palmer College of Chiropractic - United States
- 1.8 Prof. Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde, DC, MPH, PhD, Research Professor in Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark Denmark
- 1.9 Dr. Anthony Rosner, PhD, LLD (Hon.), LLC, Harvard, Noted Columnist, Director of Research for the ICAAK - United States
- 1.10 Dr. John Stump, DC, PhD, EdD, OMD, Past President , ICA Sports Council, Signer of the FICS Charter - United States
- 1.11 Prof. Dr. Peter Tuchin, BSc, GradDipChiro, DipOHS, PhD, Senior lecturer, Department of Health and Chiropractic, Macquarie University - Australia
- 1.12 Dr. Howard Vernon, DC, PhD, FCCSS, Professor, Div. of Research, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College - Canada
The Scientific Advisory Board
(alphabetically listed)
Dr. Medhat Alattar,M.B.,B.Ch., DC., M.S.,FICA., Professor, Palmer Chiropractic College - Florida campus -
United States -
Dr. Alattar is a Professor at Palmer College of Chiropractic's-Florida Campus. Professor and Dean of International Programs at Life University (1984- 2002). During his career, Dr. Alattar travelled to over 30 countries promoting chiropractic. He has authored several articles, scientific papers and a textbook chapter titled “Biomechanics of Movement”. He served as an expert for the WHO Low Back Initiative (1992-97). A chiropractic delegate to the World Health Organization’s WHA, TFI & FCTC meetings (1992-2003). Presented the “Chiropractic Spinal Hygiene” concepts in the Geneva Social Summit 2000 and during the WHO / NGOs’ Forums for Health. A team chiropractor to the Pan Am and Central America Games (1996-1998). Founder of the Egyptian Chiropractic Association. Executive Director of Life Foundation Inc. (1991-2002). Dr. Alattar served the NBCE‘s pathology testing committee as an independent contractor for over ten years. He received several honors and awards including “ The ICA Excellence in International Relation Award”. Dr. Alattar is a Fellow of the International Chiropractors Association and he is currently a member of the WFC’s Public Health Committee.
Dr. Lisa K. Bloom, DC, DACS, DIBCN, FIACN, Assoc. Professor, New York Chiropractic College, Diagnosis division. -
United States
Dr. Bloom is a popular lecturer and has been the featured speaker at conferences in over 40 states in the US, as well as an invited speaker to many conferences, both nationally and internationally. Dr. Bloom has lectured on topics in neurology in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands. A multiple winner of the Faculty Excellence and Pride in Chiropractic Awards, Dr. Bloom serves on the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Test Committee. Dr. Bloom currently serves as a Board Member of the International Board of Chiropractic Neurology.
Prof. Dr. Christine Goertz, DC, PhD, Vice President of Research, Palmer University -
United States
One of the provisions in the nation’s new health law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, authorizes the creation of an autonomous Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) as a nonprofit corporation that is not “an agency or establishment of the U.S. Government.” In an announcement today by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, Palmer College of Chiropractic’s Vice Chancellor for Research and Health Policy Christine Goertz, D.C., Ph.D., was appointed to the Board of Governors of PCORI. Dr. Christine Goertz
PCORI is responsible for establishing research priorities and directing a national center focused on patient-centered research. According to the Act, the purpose of PCORI is “to assist patients, clinicians, purchasers, and policy-makers in making informed health decisions by advancing the quality and relevance of evidence” regarding the prevention, treatment, diagnosis and management of diseases and health conditions in various patient populations, then disseminating these patient-centered, outcomes-based research findings.
Nominations for PCORI’s Board of Governors were sought by the Government Accountability Office from healthcare organizations nationwide and members were chosen following a rigorous selection process. The 21-member Board of Governors includes the directors of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), or their designees, plus 19 members appointed by the Comptroller General of the United States, representing patients, healthcare providers, hospitals, drug makers, device manufacturers, insurers, payers, government officials and health experts.
Dr. Goertz’ experience and expertise is in the area of integrative healthcare research. She joined Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2007 as executive director of the Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research (PCCR), and in 2008 was named Palmer’s vice chancellor for research and health policy. Before coming to Palmer she was the deputy director of the Samueli Institute in Alexandria, Va. Prior to that she was a Program Officer for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.
A veteran integrative healthcare researcher, author and speaker, Dr. Goertz has served as a principal investigator or co-principal investigator for a number of large-scale, federally funded research studies, including several projects—one of which is a NCCAM-funded center—currently underway at the PCCR. She leads Palmer’s research efforts at the PCCR, the largest chiropractic research facility in the world, with an annual research budget of approximately $6 million.
“I can think of no one better than Dr. Christine Goertz to play a key role in this new national initiative to set the agenda for patient-centered research, and help direct U.S. efforts in this area,” said Palmer Chancellor Dennis Marchiori, D.C., Ph.D. “Her experience and expertise in both the research and health policy arenas make her perfectly suited for the PCORI Board of Governors.”
Dr. Goertz added, “I am honored to have been selected to the PCORI Board. For the past 20 years my career has focused on the conduct of research that is directly relevant to patient care. The evaluation of patient-centered outcomes and comparative effectiveness is a critical next step towards building an evidence base that is useful to both clinicians and healthcare policymakers.”
Dr. Heidi Haavik Taylor, DC, PhD, Director of Research, New Zealand College of Chiropractic -
New Zealand
Heidi completed her PhD in the Department of Sport and Exercise Science in 2007, for which she was awarded a Top Achievers Doctoral Scholarship from the Tertiary Education Commission’s Bright Future Scheme. Her doctoral research in human neurophysiology focused on brain function changes following chiropractic care and various repetitive typing tasks.
“As a practicing chiropractor I became increasingly frustrated that I could not explain how or why my patients reported such a variety of benefits from their treatments. Neither could I accurately predict who would get better, nor how fast they would improve. I therefore decided to go back to University to attempt to answer some of the questions I had. I was worried that being a working mum with two very young children would be a problem. However, The University of Auckland and my PhD supervisor were wonderful and very encouraging. My post graduate studies and research experience has prepared me incredibly well for my current job. Because of my clinical background as a practicing chiropractor, as well as my PhD, I was offered the job of Director of Research at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic in Auckland. I absolutely love this job, which is very challenging and exciting. I am involved in the strategic planning of our College, I teach, I manage a rapidly growing team of researchers and present our research at conferences all around the world. It is so interesting to explore what exactly takes place in the human brain following chiropractic adjustments. I find the complexity of the human nervous system utterly fascinating and the more I learn the more it amazes me. My work is never boring, and I learn something new every day. I work with an amazing and inspirational team, with a great sense of humour. There is never a dull moment.”
Dr. Cheryl Hawk, DC, PhD, FICC, CHES, Professor and Director of Research, Logan College of Chiropractic -
United States
Bio Page, at Logan
More bio Information to be added
Dr. Anne Jensen, BSc, DC, ICSSD, PGCert., PGDip,MSc, MSc, MACC, DPhil candidate, University of Oxford -
United Kingdom
Anne Jensen, DC, MSc, recently became the first chiropractor to graduate from the University of Oxford in Oxford, U.K. Dr. Jensen graduated from New York Chiropractic College in 1993 and practiced in New York for several months before moving to Queensland, Australia, where she practiced for 11 years. She then enrolled at the University of Oxford, receiving a postgraduate diploma in sports performance in 2006, and a master’s degree in evidence-based social intervention in 2007. When asked about her motivation to attend the prestigious university, Dr. Jensen said, "I was interested in doing clinical research for chiropractic, but after several solo attempts, I knew I needed more formal education - I had to ’learn’ how to do proper research. So I thought, why not go to a university that has a reputation of being a ’gold standard’ in academia?" For her thesis at Oxford, Dr. Jensen performed a randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of neuro-emotional technique (NET) for people with a common anxiety disorder: arachnophobia. Results of this study have been published and can be found on PubMed. Presently, she is completing her PhD degree through Oxford in evidence-based health care, with research focusing on nonconscious beliefs.
Dr. Dana Lawrence, D.C., M.Med.Ed., M.A. | Senior Director | Center for Teaching and Learning | Palmer College of Chiropractic -
United States
Dr. Dana Lawrence is an internationally known scientific journal editor and researcher, who brings to WikiChiro a wealth of knowledge and experience in editing journals both in print and online.
Prof. Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde, DC, MPH, PhD, Research Professor in Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark
Prof. Leboeuf-Yde formerly practiced as a chiropractor in France and Sweden, but for the past twenty years has mainly been engaged in research. While living in Australia in the 1980s she taught at the School of Chiropractic at the Phillip Institute of Technology in Melbourne and was employed at the Australian Spinal Research Foundation as Research Director. She then completed a Masters Degree in Public Health while working at two governmental departments as a researcher.
Dr Lebouf-Yde then returned to Europe where she completed a Ph.D. degree in epidemiology at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. She spent some years as a researcher at the Nordic Institute for Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics in Odense and later as Research Director at a Danish local government medical research unit. In 2004 she was appointed Research Professor in Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark.
She is the author of numerous research articles and has two main research interests. From a public health perspective, she is interested in the causes and possibilities of prevention of back pain. From a clinical perspective, she would like to learn more about the different subpopulations of people with back pain in order to make it possible to direct patients to the best treatment. She is a firm believer in the need to integrate research with clinical practice, and to bring clinical practice into research.
Dr. Anthony Rosner, PhD, LLD (Hon.), LLC, Harvard, Noted Columnist, Director of Research for the ICAAK -
United States
Dr. Rosner is a scientist with a Harvard PhD, in Biochemistry whose degree was obtained in 1972. He has been in chiropractic academia since 1992. Currently, he serves as the Director of Research of the International College of Applied Kinesiology-USA.
Dr. Rosner received his PhD in Medical Sciences/Biochemistry from Harvard University, Boston, MA in 1972. His research interests are primarily related to the neurophysiology of the nervous system, including neurotransmitters and their receptors. This includes the field of applied kinesiology.
Dr. John Stump, DC, PhD, EdD, OMD, Past President , ICA Sports Council, Signer of the FICS Charter -
United States
Dr. Stump is an author and expert in oriental medicine, acupuncture and sports medicine. He was a team doctor for the South Korean team at the Olympic Games in Seoul in 1988.
Prof. Dr. Peter Tuchin, BSc, GradDipChiro, DipOHS, PhD, Senior lecturer, Department of Health and Chiropractic, Macquarie University -
Dr. Howard Vernon, DC, PhD, FCCSS, Professor, Div. of Research, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College -
Prof. Vernon received his PhD in Chiropractic Sciences from Glamorgan University, Wales, UK, in 2003. His research interests are primarily related to the cervical spine: headache, whiplash, spinal manipulation treatment. He has conducted basic science studies in spinal pain mechanisms in both the cervical and lumbar regions. He is co-creator of a novel animal model of chronic lumbar facet joint pain and degeneration.